Media will never influence learning (Richard E. Clark) Clark’s argument that learning is not influenced by the media is, at first, a hard pill to swallow. Clark suggests that media does not influence learning but demonstrates that structural processes are… Continue Reading →
While reading the articles, I found that many points stuck with me. One point in particular got me thinking about my own practice: what knowledge is slipping through the gaps with the increase in using technology as a primary driver… Continue Reading →
The experience of going through EDCI 515 and 568 was one of intense devouring of information and applying it into our own personal practices. It has been quite a while since I have had to read this amount of… Continue Reading →
The article I have chosen is, Parental involvement on student academic achievement: A meta-analysis (Castro et al., 2015) (“Parental involvement”). This article is a quantitative analysis investigating how parent involvement and academic achievement are linked. It examines the data from… Continue Reading →
Examining a qualitative study through a phenomenological lens Introduction The type of method a researcher chooses to complete their research will shape and develop the outcome of a study. In this post, I will take a research paper… Continue Reading →
Reading the article, In Public: the Shifting Consequences of Twitter Scholarship (, by Bonnie Stewart, I have never thought about how scholarships were always kept inside the system. Thinking back on my time in university I applied for many scholarships… Continue Reading →
Kitchen Stories We had many discussions about the movie (Kitchen Stories) and the lens it brings to research. It connects to many research methods that we have looked at and the role researchers play… Continue Reading →
The presentation by Trevor Mackenzie was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed his ability to interact with audience and relay his knowledge through his experiences in the classroom. I enjoyed hearing a practicing teacher explain his craft through a lens of practicality… Continue Reading →
Reading the article, Action Research in Education Getting to Grips with Perspectives and Models, highlighted many previous questions I raised in my previous blog post. In my prior post, I was contemplating how the practical side of teaching could be… Continue Reading →
First time looking at literature reviews (Boote & Beile, 2005) One of the main concepts that I pulled from the article is that article reviews should not be put on the back burner and should not be an afterthought…. Continue Reading →
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