Kitchen Stories


We had many discussions about the movie (Kitchen Stories) and the lens it brings to research. It connects to many research methods that we have looked at and the role researchers play in completing studies.


The story starts off with the Swedish researchers overtaking local Norwegian bachelor homes and observing the occupants. It provides a satirical view of the situation but highlights important facts.


It connects to how the “superior” Swedish come in their picture-perfect cars and trailers to observe the “inferior” Norwegian men in their homes. This situation in which supposedly “inferior” beings are studied is a problematic and all to regular occurrence in research and it is often overlooked. This problem connects to our readings about Eurocentric researchers being the “gatekeepers” of knowledge.


Onwu and Mosimege on ‘indigenous Knowledge Systems and Science and Technology Education: A Dialogue On Some Remaining Issues by G. Zinyeka (2013)


The researcher plays the role of the omniscient holder of advanced knowledge and protocol, whereas the participants are viewed as lesser and as holding no knowledge. This status quo is challenged in the movie many times.


For example, Isak has the opportunity to show his local knowledge and skills, which in turn helps the researcher (Folke). When Folke is sick, Isak provides his own remedy and which aids in him getting better. This lens also provides the rich sub-text that the movie strives to outline. This relates to the conversations we had with Shauneen Pete. All knowledge and the steps taken in completing a task are not always the “right” way of doing things but rather are just different. We need to understand that our views and understanding are just one aspect of many. Each lens we look through highlights different aspects and focuses on other pieces of knowledge that are important.


Throughout the movie, you are constantly reminded that the context of the participant and the researcher play significant roles. I believe that the movie’s main point is to highlight that peoples’ backgrounds and context should play a larger role in understanding research and the outcomes that are reached.


In the movie, there are plenty examples of this. For instance, when Isak does not answer the phone but lets it ring instead. The researcher only asks later in the movie why he never picks up. Turns out that he never picks up the phone because it is expensive to talk on the phone. Later in the movie, when their relationship is forming, there is reference to the war that shines a light on the differences between the two countries. It just gives a small snapshot into the rich history that is at play throughout the movie, as you would only truly understand the inner workings of the relationship that these two men are forming, if you actually lived in Scandinavia.


The piece that stuck with me was the over-arching theme of the chair and the head of the research. The chair plays a major role in the film by being a tall and over-bearing object that the researcher sits on and takes notes from. The relationship between the chair and Isak and Folke is constantly referenced throughout the movie. What I find interesting, is that the head, Doctor Green, has little to nothing to do with the study but resides in his “party” plane and flies back and forth talking about his findings to other academics. It highlights the problem of not knowing the underlying need for context into research but to be able to fully understand and be able to analyse the information to make an informed decision and interpret the data. The “expert” in the movie has none of this but because he has the credentials and know-how he has the right to interpret the data in the way he finds fit.


I have been going down the rabbit hole of phenomenology and even though it can be confusing and not always seemingly practical, it highlights the need for context and background in making connections to the findings that actually ring true.


Research is always evolving and changing and more options become apparent as people examine it to find the best practice. People’s own backgrounds play a major role in research but being able to view it from multiple perspectives is an important distinction that is becoming more apparent the further we go into this course.



“Wren 2018 CG Kitchen Projects” by Pikcells Ltd is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Â