Summary of Research Evidence

The content presented on the website, are a resource guide to help teachers grow their digital literacy and have resources they can share to also educate the parents. The B.C. Digital Framework encourages digital skills and strategies to be used in the classroom (Education, n.d.).  The need for an increase of digital literacy in teachers is essential for education and schools to evolve.

There is not enough professional development or training in place for teachers to keep up with the demand of being digital literate and the potential benefits of up-to-date training (Redmond, 2018). We as teachers play a new role being the primary authority on teaching digital literacy to children, which, consequently brings new responsibilities and strategies to provide leadership in digital literacy (Hicks & Turner, 2013).

We have to learn how to properly use the different technology and platforms to be an effective teacher in a digital age. Furthermore, we have to support parents grow their digital literacy along with their child (McDougall et al., 2018).  There is a digital knowledge gap between parents and students and therefore, parents expect the school to be an authority figure and provide information and advice on digital literacy (Ciboci & Labaš, 2019) .This provides the need for teachers to be trained in different platforms that are a tool during remote teaching have access to resources to provide parents and students to encourage growth in their own digital literacy.

The digital environment of school is only growing and the need for training, exploring new platforms and accessible resources is essential for teachers to grow increasingly digital literate.


**All open source literature has been hyperlinked to the in-text citations.**




Ciboci, L., & Labaš, D. (2019). Digital Media Literacy, School and Contemporary Parenting. Medijske Studije, 10(19), 83–101.

Education, M. of. (n.d.). Digital Literacy—Province of British Columbia. Digital Literacy Framework; Province of British Columbia. Retrieved July 20, 2020, from

Hicks, T., & Turner, K. H. (2013). No Longer a Luxury: Digital Literacy Can’t Wait. English Journal, 102(6), 58–65.

McDougall, J., Readman, M., & Wilkinson, P. (2018). The uses of (digital) literacy. Learning, Media and Technology, 43(3), 263–279.

Redmond, T. (2018). Learning to Teach the Media: Pre-Service Teachers Articulate the Value of Media Literacy Education. In Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (Vol. 1–Book, Section, pp. 1275–1297). IGI Global.


Featured Image: Photo by Kara Eads on Unsplash