Resources and Wisdom

category Learning Celebrations

Parent involvement bridges the gap between school and home. Bridging that gap is key in encouraging well rounded learning and positive child development. Encouraging parents to become more involved can be daunting so holding “Learning Celebrations “ that accommodate busy lives and diverse communities are essential. Engaging in non-judgemental forms of communication lays the foundation for strong and collaborative relationships between parents and teachers.The more connected parents feel to the school and its teachers the more likely they are to actively engage in learning with their children. Learning Celebrations will naturally encourage communication among the parent community, which will build social support for families.

Kids being able to demonstrate their learning in different ways outside the more structured classroom will build a more confident learner.
These resources are events or projects that can used by a teacher to encourage family involvement and create memorable events that parents and students can share. Teachers are by no means expected to use all of these events in a year but hopefully this website can provide an ample amount of ideas and resources that teachers can use. All of the resources are editable, to allow the teacher to customize the events to fit their classroom needs, as well, as their own ideas.

Guidelines for Learning Celebrations

– Early in the school year make parents aware of all celebrations and get them to commit

-Respect all family diversities

– Provide a childcare lounge for young siblings (if possible)

– Host a parent only night early in September to inform parents of Celebration expectations

– Publish your Learning Celebrations early

– Make sure kids are involved from idea to product

– Stay in the background during celebrations

– Establish behaviours at Celebrations with your students and guests early on

– Stress the value of a School/Parent /Community partnership

– Utilize available adults and professionals ie school psychologist, librarian, caretaker or administration

– Set clear boundaries and emphasize learning expectations

– Never trivialize celebrations

Celebrating Math Learning Night

A math night is a fun event for kids in elementary school along with their parents. It lets kids show off their math understanding and skills. It also introduces kids to mathematical concepts beyond the classroom.  Meanwhile, it provides an… Continue Reading →

Poetea- A Celebration of Poetry

A Poetea is a culminating event grown from a study of poetry in class.  A Poetry study could be an intense short term poetry study or a full term poetry study.  The choice is yours. It is a way for… Continue Reading →

Student-Led Cafe Conference

Student-led conferences are a great way for students to share their learning with their parents or family. A student-led conference is a meeting between the students and their family. The student shares their portfolio of work and discusses their own… Continue Reading →

A Celebration of Culture and Diversity

The goal of having a Learning Celebration focused on our personal history is to have kids understand the richness of their own narrative.  Having parents involved in both collecting information and providing a sharing opportunity helps kids begin to accept… Continue Reading →

Talent Show

  The objective of a Talent Show is to create an open and inviting environment for learning and exploration by sharing unique skills and expertise with friends, parents and community. The experience should be focused on the students but if… Continue Reading →

Winter/Christmas Carnival

The whole notion of a winter carnival can be traced back to New France. It is an outdoor celebration that occurs in the dead of winter.  In the beginning, a Winter Carnival was a way to devise activities that would… Continue Reading →

Family Game Night

A family game night can bring many families together to share an enjoyable experience. It can be a positive experience for families to share a common experience and create a better community in the classroom. A family game night has… Continue Reading →

Learning Through Reinvention of the Traditional Science Fair

The ultimate goal of a school wide Science Fair is to provide the student with an exciting and meaningful learning experience while also developing scientific literacy.  Through prior knowledge and critical thinking students begin to answer questions and solve relevant… Continue Reading →

Art Walk Learning Celebration

Hosting an Art Walk in your school will not only celebrate student artwork, but also provide another opportunity for student/parent/community interaction and bonding.  Creating an atmosphere of partnership generated by collaboration empowers parents and the student.  Art is a rich… Continue Reading →

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